No decision is a decision, and your silence has consequences.
As we approach another critical election, I want to speak to something that’s been heavy on my heart: the importance of showing up and voting. Now, I know some of us feel disillusioned by the political process or frustrated by the choices we have before us, but I’m here to remind you of a few important truths.
According to a recent study conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, 104 million people of faith—including 32 million Christians who regularly attend church services—are projected to sit out this November’s election. Those numbers are staggering, and the consequences are profound.
The Bible calls us to be stewards of all we’ve been entrusted with, and that includes our role as citizens. Scripture is clear that government is established by God, and our responsibility is to influence it for good. As Christians, it is not just our civic duty, but our biblical imperative to participate in the political process. And yet, millions of Christians, including business leaders like us, say they will not be voting in November. That should alarm every one of us.
The candidates for all offices are imperfect human beings, just as we are. The impact they will have on our lives is profound. They are telling us what their plans are for the world we’re going to live in, and the differences are stark.
Let me be blunt: If you won’t vote for the preservation of moral and ethical values in our nation, then vote for the future of your business. This election will directly impact the business community—tax policies, regulations, economic strategies, and even religious freedoms are all on the line.
Our businesses, our livelihoods, and our children’s futures will be shaped by the decisions made by those in power, and right now, we, the people, have the power!
Schedule the time now to vote on November 5 or take advantage of early voting. Don’t leave your future to chance—your voice matters, and we need you on the team.
I don’t care what reason gets you to the polls. Whether it’s the preservation of life, protecting our religious freedoms, securing a future for our businesses, or the desire for a more just and prosperous nation—just VOTE. Your silence has consequences for all of us.
Your vote is your voice. Use it to advocate for a future where righteousness, freedom, and opportunity thrive. For the sake of your family, your business, and our nation, please vote on November 5.