A “Why me?” response to a God-sized calling!
Have you ever experienced a “Why me?” response to a God-sized assignment? Or maybe even a “Not me!” reaction?
God will burden our hearts and spark our passion for a multitude of things. Sometimes it’s something we’d like to do but don’t feel qualified, or something else (timing, resources, etc.) is holding us back. Sometimes it’s something so far out of our perception of what’s possible that we wonder where it came from.
A question I’m asked often is: How do I know I am hearing from God?
My answer is: Is it between the hours of 3 and 4 a.m. when you can’t sleep? That usually gets a good chuckle—not because I’m a brilliant comedian, but because we all know it’s true!
Most of the time, the person asking already knows that God is speaking to them. They just don’t like what they are hearing.
Maybe you can relate to my experience. I sensed God leading me to write a book, but I had absolutely zero confidence in my writing skills. I was once told by a boss that I was a great leader and strategist, but I needed to improve my writing. That feedback played in my head over and over, year after year. I believed I couldn’t write, so I didn’t.
It was a classic “Why me?” response. I was sure God could find someone better qualified, yet I kept getting that nagging feeling to write and share. But then someone asked me a simple question: “How can God bless it if you don’t release it?” I started writing—first articles and then, in 2021, a book. All I had to do was surrender and be obedient.
More recently, I sensed it was time to release the Central Florida Christian Chamber of Commerce to another leader so I could focus my attention on the U.S. Christian Chamber of Commerce.
That seemed absolutely insane, given one was a revenue stream and the other was not.
I thought a good plan would be to build up a solid revenue source in the U.S. Christian Chamber and then let go of Central Florida. I remember trying to rationalize it with my mom—one of my wisest advisors—and she said, “Well, then, that would not require faith, would it?”
As moms often do, she left me speechless. God was calling me in a great walk of faith and obedience to accelerate a marketplace movement across the nation through Christian chambers. So I prayed, “God, if this is from you and you want me to release, then bring the next leader.”
Not long after that, a 16-year banking executive approached me with a bewildered look on his face and said, “Krystal, in my prayer time, God told me I am to be the president of the Christian Chamber of Commerce.”
Six months later, we announced Bristan and Latondra Heaven as the new co-presidents of the Central Florida Christian Chamber of Commerce—and here I am on mission, on purpose, fully surrendered, and crystal clear about what I’m to do with the U.S. Christian Chamber.
So how do you know you’re hearing from God?
Here are some of the ways:
- Does the idea or concept seem out of left field?
- Is it language, solutions, or concepts you don’t use or see on a daily basis?
- Is it bigger than you, meaning you cannot accomplish it alone?
- Is it something that you don’t feel qualified to do?
- Is it reoccurring or a nagging thought in prayer or quiet time?
- Has it been affirmed through the Bible or another source?
- Has God given you the first step?
Instead of running away from that still small voice, listen. Don’t ask, “Why me?” Don’t say, “Not me!” God is speaking to you, and if he wants you to do something, it’s important. Trust him and obey. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21)
I don’t know what God is calling you to do, but I believe you already know. Don’t put it off. It’s time we all get uncomfortable, wipe the sweat from our palms, lean into our purpose, and be God’s instruments in a world that desperately needs him.